Thursday, July 13, 2017

Camera Decision Dilemma

So I have finally decided to embark a journey in photography, after a while of taking photos on a iphone 6.(Which works wonders for a phone camera.) I've set myself to buy a better camera, problem is I've found myself stuck between deciding what camera I would like to use.So there is a huge debate in DSLR vs mirrorless and I've done lots of research into what each one has to offer. I came into conclusion with either the OM-D M10 or the Rebel Series camera. I've come to like the OM-D mostly because of its how compact it is (The quality for how small it is impressive.), interchangeable lenses, and just how it doesn't seem to be so intrusive as other DSLR models. But in the other hand the Rebel series, well lets say the T6i model is full of features which at first I wouldn't imagine myself using yet as I'm still new, but I'll never know if I expose myself to it.But I'd like to talk to some of my fellow redditor's who have used the OM-D M10 mII and what their thoughts are on it. Just to help my self get more grounded to my decision.Edit: Structure. via /r/Beginning_Photography

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