Friday, July 14, 2017

Instagram is literally unusable: for over a year, it repeatedly posts the same error message, and there's no way to fix it.

Every couple of days, Instagram will lock me out. I can't like, post, comment or anything, and any attempts to do so result in a message saying I've got a restricted link in my profile, or in the comment.I don't have links in my profiles or comments. I never have, restricted or otherwise. In the example shown, my comment was "Nice shot!", and while I'm normally more helpful with my comments, they never, ever include links. I don't post forbidden content, I haven't done anything against the rules.And yet... this message has been preventing me from using the app every few days for over a year. Eventually, it goes away. Sometimes its in a few hours, sometimes over a day. Often, it'll come back on the same day that it goes away. The worst side effect is where it will let me post something, but remove all my captions and tags without telling me that it is doing so, and by the time I realise, I can't repost.Has anyone seen this? Does anyone know how to fix it? I would ask Instagram for help, but there is no option to do so, anywhere. You can send them a message on Facebook, but I sent them one a year ago, and it still hasn't been seen, let alone responded to, and neither have my follow up messages.I understand that this is a free app, but this is ridiculous. I'm just lucky I'm not trying to run a business. via /r/photography

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